Now you can expand your 2-Line Telephones capabilities. Plug our 2-line Phone Splitter-2 into your 2-Line wall jack so that each line has its own output, L1 jack for Line 1 and L2 jack for Line 2. In addition, it also provides a third jack, L1+L2, the original combined output jack for Line 1 and Line 2 together.
How it does this is to separate the combined 2 lines and rewire each output, marked as L1 and L2, to use the center two pins only, which all 1-line devices use. Now, it is possible to connect any normal 1-line device to either Line 1 or Line 2 or both. Also, you may use each line individually or use the 2-line jack or, all three at the same time, if needed.
Choose either line to be used for any need you may have. Dedicate a line to a fax machine or use one for a special purpose. You now have the freedom to separate the two lines that were only available at your 2-line phone. A very convenient and ingenious device.
Install a 2-line TRICK-2 between the L1+L2 jack and your 2-line phone, this will allow you to switch both lines on or off simultaneously. Install a 1-line TRICK-1 between the L1 or L2 jacks, or both, and your 1-line phone, fax or device to allow you to switch either line on or off, as well.
Regular price is $7.50, order one today!